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Australian Taxation Law 2017

出版社 Robin Woellner, Stephen Barkoczy, Shirley Murphy, Chris Evans, Dale Pinto
ページ数 184ページ

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Australasian Legal Information Institute
Resource of Australian and international legal materials, including a law specific search engine, links, Australian cases, law and other legal matters.
Home page | Australian Taxation Office
The ATO is the Government’s principal revenue collection agency. Our role is to manage and shape the tax, excise and superannuation systems that fund services for ...
Australian Taxation Office - Wikipedia
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is an Australian government statutory agency and the principal revenue collection body for the Australian government.
Tax return for individuals 2017 | Australian Taxation Office
Tax return for individuals 2017. To get your refund faster – generally within 2 weeks – join over 3 million Australians and lodge your tax return online with ...
Australian constitutional law - Wikipedia
The Constitution and the High Court. Constitutional law in the Commonwealth of Australia consists mostly of that body of doctrine which interprets the Commonwealth ...
All Databases - Australasian Legal Information Institute
Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII), a joint facility of UTS and UNSW Faculties of Law.
Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Government
Australia's official statistical organisation. Provides an objective, and responsive national statistical service.
AUSTRALIAN CITIZENSHIP TEST - Free Online Practice Tests 2017
Australian Citizenship Test - Free practice sample questions base on Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond. Unlimited access of free citizenship practice test ...
Student law notes and study guides for Australian law ...
Lawskool is an Australian company that provides high quality up-to-date law study notes. Our large range of legal study products are an invaluable resource for ...
Hanna Legal | A leading Australian law firm
Hanna Legal is one of Australia’s leading boutique law firms. Based in Sydney, we specialise in criminal defence, with a focus on serious and complex matters.

Australian Taxation Law 2017