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The Innovation Paradox: Why Good Businesses Kill Breakthroughs and How They Can Change

出版社 Tony Davila, Marc J. Epstein
ページ数 139ページ

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The Innovation Paradox: Why Good Businesses Kill ...
The Innovation Paradox: Why Good Businesses Kill Breakthroughs and How They Can Change (2014). By Tony Davila and Marc J. Epstein Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 240 pages, $29.95.
The Innovation Paradox: Why Good Businesses Kill ...
The Innovation Paradox: Why Good Businesses Kill Breakthroughs and How They Can Change by Tony Davila, Marc Epstein For more than twenty years, major innovations—the kind that transform industries and even societies—seem to have come almost exclusively from startups, despite massive efforts and millions of dollars spent by established companies.
The Innovation Paradox: Why Good Businesses Kill ...
The Audiobook (MP3 on CD) of the The Innovation Paradox: Why Good Businesses Kill Breakthroughs and How They Can Change by Mark Epstein, Tony Davila,
The Innovation Paradox by Tony Davila and Marc Epstein ...
The Innovation Paradox Why Good Businesses Kill ... breakthroughs. Then they bring ... from developing breakthroughs. This is the innovation paradox. ...
The Innovation Paradox: Why Good Businesses Kill ...
The Innovation Paradox: Why Good Businesses Kill Breakthroughs and How They Can Change by Tony Davila, 9781609945534, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide.
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Get this from a library! The innovation paradox : why good businesses kill breakthroughs and how they can change. [Tony Davila; Marc J Epstein] -- "It's a paradox: as ...
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Read The Innovation Paradox by ... and management systems can be structured to encourage breakthroughs. Then they bring ... Why Good Businesses Kill Breakthroughs ...
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The Innovation Paradox: Why Good Businesses Kill Breakthroughs and How They Can Change