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Social Media at Work: How Networking Tools Propel ...
While social media is poised to significantly affect organizational performance, few managers know how to harness these technologies to create strategic advantage. In Social Media at Work, three organizational development experts from Oracle offer executives down-to-earth strategies for leveraging the power of social media to build more effective and agile organizations.
While social media is poised to significantly affect organizational performance, few managers know how to harness these technologies to create strategic advantage. In Social Media at Work, three organizational development experts from Oracle offer executives down-to-earth strategies for leveraging the power of social media to build more effective and agile organizations.
Social Media at Work : How Networking Tools Propel ...
... and fostering innovation by adopting social networking tools Shows ... Tools Propel Organizational Performance ... Social Media at Work: How Networking Tools ...
... and fostering innovation by adopting social networking tools Shows ... Tools Propel Organizational Performance ... Social Media at Work: How Networking Tools ...
Social Media at Work - EBSCO Information Services
How Networking Tools Propel Organizational Performance ... Social media tools ... Social Media At Work Arthur L. Jue, ...
How Networking Tools Propel Organizational Performance ... Social media tools ... Social Media At Work Arthur L. Jue, ...
Wiley: Social Media at Work: How Networking Tools Propel ...
Today's networking technologies-wikis, blogs, and social networking sites-are changing how we build professional relationships and work collaboratively. In this insightful book, three organizational development experts from Oracle Corporation offer executives down-to-earth strategies for leveraging the power of social media to build more effective and agile organizations, engage employees, and sustain competitiveness.
Today's networking technologies-wikis, blogs, and social networking sites-are changing how we build professional relationships and work collaboratively. In this insightful book, three organizational development experts from Oracle Corporation offer executives down-to-earth strategies for leveraging the power of social media to build more effective and agile organizations, engage employees, and sustain competitiveness.
Social media at work : how networking tools propel ...
Offers practical advice for using social media (wikis, blogs, and social networking sites) to increase organizational effectiveness. Presents proven recommendations for building teams, accelerating learning, and fostering innovation by adopting social networking tools.
Offers practical advice for using social media (wikis, blogs, and social networking sites) to increase organizational effectiveness. Presents proven recommendations for building teams, accelerating learning, and fostering innovation by adopting social networking tools.
Social Media at Work: How Networking Tools Propel ...
Social Media at Work has 23 ratings and 7 reviews. Robin said: This book contains practical processes, practices and lessons learned to help Social Media at Work has 23 ratings and 7 reviews.
Social Media at Work has 23 ratings and 7 reviews. Robin said: This book contains practical processes, practices and lessons learned to help Social Media at Work has 23 ratings and 7 reviews.
Social Media at Work: How Networking Tools Propel ...
Social Media at Work: How Networking Tools Propel Organizational Performance 5 out of 5 based on 0 ratings. 3 reviews.
Social Media at Work: How Networking Tools Propel Organizational Performance 5 out of 5 based on 0 ratings. 3 reviews.
Social media at work : how networking tools propel ...
Get this from a library! Social media at work : how networking tools propel organizational performance. [Arthur L Jue; Jackie Alcalde Marr; Mary Ellen Kassotakis ...
Get this from a library! Social media at work : how networking tools propel organizational performance. [Arthur L Jue; Jackie Alcalde Marr; Mary Ellen Kassotakis ...
Social Media at Work: How Networking Tools Propel ...
Buy Social Media at Work: How Networking Tools Propel Organizational Performance at
Buy Social Media at Work: How Networking Tools Propel Organizational Performance at
Social Media at Work : How Networking Tools Propel ...
Find great deals for Social Media at Work : How Networking Tools Propel Organizational Performance by Jackie Alcalde Marr, Mary Ellen Kassotakis and Arthur L. Jue ...
Find great deals for Social Media at Work : How Networking Tools Propel Organizational Performance by Jackie Alcalde Marr, Mary Ellen Kassotakis and Arthur L. Jue ...